Willmar Schwabe Boldo(Mother Tincture)
Common Name: boldu, boldus, boldoa, and boldea.
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Boldo
Boldo is used for mild gastrointestinal (GI) spasms, gallstones, achy joints (rheumatism), bladder infections, liver disease
Cholagogue, hepatic, diuretic action of the medicineis well known.
Boldo is a specific for gall-bladder problems like stones or inflammations.
Boldo has mild urinary demulcent and anti-septic properties and so would be used in cystitis.
Liver diseases, chronic intestinal trouble related to congestion of the liver is indication of this remedy.
Boldo fights bacterial growth in the urine, and stimulate the stomach.
Digestive disorders, worms, headache is well relieved with Boldo.
It is useful in Constipation or flushing out of the bowels.
It is effective in relieving digestive disorders and liver problems, painful hepatic disease.
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