Willmar Schwabe Belladonna
Common name: Deadly Nightshade
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Belladonna
Belladonna is a chief remedy for fever, neuralgia and pain. Fever is sudden and violent in onset. Fever is caused due to draught of air, cold wind, uncovering head and exposure to summer sun. There is sudden rise of temperature with red face and throbbing of carotids.
Pulse is strong and quick. There is intense burning heat internally and externally. Sweat only on covered parts and on head. Extremities usually cold during fever.
There is confusion of mind, anxiety and trembling with furious delirium during fever. Belladonna is also helpful in any other inflammatory condition like tonsillitis, appendicitis, conjunctivitis, meningitis, rheumatism etc. There is stupefying stunning pain from neck to head with heat and pulsation. Head is inclined to bend backward, boring the head into the pillow. Spasmodic distortion of face and lips, grinding of teeth, with inclination to bite.
Belladonna has marked action in treating headache due to cold or heat of sun, from haircut. Sudden and violent headache. Intense periodical nervous congestive headache. Rush of blood to head with pulsation of cerebral arteries. Jerking headache worse from slight motion, jar, noise light, touch, lying down. Better by tight bandage. Belladonna also helps in vertigo caused by stooping or rising after stooping or change of position. Vertigo with tendency to fall left side or backwards. Belladonna also helps in air sickness.
Belladonna also helps in treating many gastro-intestinal problems. Mouth is dry with or with out thirst. There is tremor and stammering speech. Great dryness of throat with redness and burning, worse on right side. Cervical glands are suddenly inflammed.
There is nausea and vomiting after eating and drinking. Vomiting of undigested food with much bile, spasmodic pain in epigastric region. Belladonna is also useful in pain due to gall stones. Tenderness of abdomen, cannot bear slightest touch. Abdomen is painful and distended.
Belladonna is also useful in skin conditions like boils and acne. It is useful in boils in first stage before pus formation. There is redness, swelling and heat of the part. Skin shows a uniform, smooth, shining scarlet redness. Skin is dry, hot and burning. Painful sensitiveness of the skin to contact
Belladonna acts upon every part of the nervous system, producing active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions and pain. It has a marked action on the vascular system, skin and glands. Belladonna always is associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state, hyperaesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements, dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly.
Heat, redness, throbbing and burning. Great children’s remedy. Epileptic spasms followed by nausea and vomiting. Scarlet fever and also prophylactic. Exophthalmic goiter (goiter swelling of neck with protrusion of eyes). Belladonna also corresponds to the symptoms of “air-sickness” in aviators. Belladonna has no thirst, anxiety or fear. Belladonna stands for violence of attack and suddenness of onset.
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