Kali Carbonicum 30x
Stannum Metallicum 6x
Silica 6x
Ipecacuanha 6x
Baptisia Tinctoria Q
Aconitum Napellus 6x
Phthisis mucosa, Heat all time, exhausting night- sweats, Debility is very marked, especially of chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions.
Mode of Action:
Kali Carbonicum 30x: Body heat with whooping cough chillness generally in morning.
Stannum Metallicum 6x: Heavy pressure in chest, Chill every forenoon.
Silica 6x: Nocturnal, suffocation cough, acrid mucus Violent chill, evening, in bed.
Ipecacuanha 6x: Slight Chillness, Rattling noise in the bronchial tubes when drawing breath.
Baptisia Tinctoria Q: Entire fever, Shivering, Chills over the back, without good care.
Aconitum Napellus 6x: Heat of face, with mournful and despairing thoughts.
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