Kali Phosphoricum 6x
Lgnatia Amara 6x
Calcerea Phosphorica 6x
Coffea Cruda 30x
Veratrum Album 30x
After shocks, grief, disappointment, melancholic, tearful, sad, changeable mood Great despondency about business, shyness Indisposition to meet people. Effects of grief and worry.
Mode of Action:
Kali Phosphoricum 6x: Depression – Lethargy, everything is too much – Loss of memory. Cruel to family.
Lgnatia Amara 6x: In the case of a lady who had just heard of her brother death. Relief with lgnatia.
Calcerea Phosphorica 6x: Great depression, peevish and fretful to family after shock.
Coffea Cruda 30x: Sentimental ecstasy excited imagination, shock.
Veratrum Album 30x: She is continually accusing and scolding her husband when dying of phthsis. Mild delirium.
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