Indo German Adam and Eve Drops (30ml)
₹140.00 ₹135.00
For Acne (Pimples), Black Heads, Dark Rings Around Eyes, Fairness
Indo German Adam and Eve Drops
Indication of Indo German Adam and Eve Drops
For Natural beauty and glowing Complexion.
Indo German Adam and Eve Drops is very useful for treating multiple skin problems like Acne, Blotches, Waxy, Yellowish White Skin Pimples on Face
Dry and Rough Skin, Black Heads and Dark Rings around the Eyes is reduced with help of Indo German Adam and Eve Drops.
Composition of Indo German Adam and Eve Drops
Ammonium brom: Pains are biting and burning with redness of skin and burning. Discharges that cause ulcerations.
Bromium: It helps in acne, pimples and pustules, boils on arms and face.
Hepar sulph: It helps the skin to clear faster. Key remedy for teen and adult acne.
Juglans reg: Comedones and acne of the face. Crusta lactea, with soreness around ears. Itching and eruptions of small red pustules. Scalp red, and itches violently at night.
Kalium brom: Moist eruptions with slightly elevated, smooth, red patches, like urticaria, but with hardened bases, like erythema nodosum, itching at night in bed and in a high temperature, appearing winter are well treated by kali bromatum.
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