Anaemia, Loss of Weight, Indues Red Blood Cell Formation, Weakness
Hapro Bloodo Vita Syrup
Homoeopathic preparation which gives tone to brain and nerves. Indicated in diseases caused by deficiency of iron.
Indications of Bloodo Vita Syrup
Corrects Anaemia due to blood loss.
Regulates Flow of Blood, Hastens Convalescence after prolonged illness.
Aids absorption of Iron from food.
Improves appetite.
Normalizes hemoglobin level of blood.
Action of Ingredients in Bloodo Vita Syrup
Avena Sativa Q: Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Best for debility, weakness after exhausting diseases. Useful in Sleeplessness.
Withania somnifera Q: Restore vitality in those suffering from overwork or nervous exhaustion; counters debility that accompanies long-term stress and because of the high iron content, it is also useful for anemia and related weakness.
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