Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Sneezol Tablet
The tablets useful in complaints of sneezing, allergy complaints of sneezing and cold.
Indications of Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Sneezol Tablet
Runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes.
Sinus congestion (Sinusitis).
Fever and body ache due to allergies & hay fever.
Action of Ingredients in Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Sneezol Tablet
Nat mur 12x: Violent, fluent coryza, lasting from one to three days, then changing into stoppage of nose, making breathing difficult. Discharge thin and watery, like raw white of egg. Violent sneezing coryza.
Silicea 12x: Silicea helps in Inflammation of nostrils, Itching in nose, Scabs, pimples, and ulcers in nose.
Gelsemium 3x: Sensation of fullness, sneezing with fluent coryza, profuse watery discharge excoriating the nostrils marks for Gelsemium
Allium Cepa 3x: profuse watery, acrid nasal discharge with sneezing and discharge from nose excoroating the nose and upper lip
Euphrasia 3x: Fluent Coryza with obstruction of nose, at night. Violent Coryza with abundant secretion of mucus and corrosive tears in eyes.
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