For Bleeding & swelling of Gums, Bad Breath, Pus & pain in gums
Wheezal WL-59 Pyorrhoea Drops
Pyorrhoea, is a disease of the gums. It affects the membrane surrounding the roots of the teeth and leads to loosening of the teeth leading to pus formation, and shrinkage of the gum.
Other Indicated symptoms
Swollen and painful gums.
Bleeding gums and painful teeth.
Calc Renalis
Hepar sulp
Action of Individual Ingredients
Calc Renalis: Effective in the Tartar on teeth, Soreness and pain in the gums with loosened teeth that interfere in chewing the food.
Emetinum: It has an anti amoebic action, and helpful in Pyorrhoea.
Hepar sulp: Gums and mouth painful to touch and bleed readily, useful in Ulcers in corners of the mouth with pain in the bones of the face.
Phosphorus: Bleeding gums and swelling over the gums, Teeth pain with continuous bleeding after tooth extraction.
Thuja: Teeth decay next to gums, very sensitive, gums retract.
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