Relieves Itching, Redness, Dry Eczema, Psoriasis, Cracked and Flaky Skin
Wheezal WL-50 Psoriasis Drops
Psoriasis is a common skin condition. The extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful. Patches on your elbows, knees, scalp, back, face, palms and feet, but they can show up on other parts of your body.
Itching, Patchy Red scales.
Other Indicated Symptoms
Red skin, often covered with loose, silver-colored scales, itchy and painful.
Nails crumble or detach from the nail bed, scales or crust on the scalp.
Associated with Psoriatic arthritis, which leads to pain and swelling in the joints.
Arsenic alb
Asteria rubens
Corallium rub
Cuprum aceticum
Hepar sul
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