Relieves Sinusitis, Blocked Nose, Stuffed Nose, Headache
Wheezal WL-37 Sinusitis Drops
Sinuses have the same mucous membrane lining as the nose. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The inflammation could be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. The infection may also be the result of an allergic or autoimmune reaction – when the immune system attacks healthy cells. Inflammation of the sinuses nearly always occurs with inflammation of the nose.
For Sinus Aches and Catarrh
Other Indications
Weakness, mild fever, headache, pain behind the eyes and nasal discharge.
Swelling over the face, because of inflammed sinus.
Aco. Nap
Ars. Alb
Ferrum Phos
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Action of Individual Ingredients
Aco. Nap: Smell acutely sensitive. Pain at root of nose. Coryza much sneezing; throbbing in nostrils. Red, hot, flushed, swollen face. Tingling in cheeks and numbness.
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