Restores Cell Elasticity, Lowers Cholesterol levels, Palpitations
Wheezal WL-3 Arteriosclerosis Drops
Restores the vessels elasticity.
Other Indicated Symptoms
It helps to keep the heart working efficiently by decreasing the thickening and hardening of the arterial walls.
Polygonum Avi 1x
Baryta Carb.3x
Vanadium Mat 3x
Plumbum lod.3x
Action of Individual Ingredients
Polygonum Avi 1x: In material doses of tincture, found useful in intermittent fever, and especially in regulating the blood flow and restoring the elasiticity.
Baryta Carb.3x: Cardiac symptoms that are associated with High Blood pressure, blood vessels that are contracted. Palpitations (increased heart beats) on exertion are helped to control with it.
Vanadium Mat 3x : A remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and arteries, sensation as if heart was compressed, as if blood had no room in the aorta. Anxious pressure on whole chest.
Plumbum lod.3x: Helps to relieve and regulates the blood flow.
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