About Rheum-Koll Plus Tablets
Tones up the Musculoskeletal system.
Relieves pain, stiffness and impaired functioning of affected parts.
Action of Ingredients used in Rheum-Koll Plus Tablets
Ferrum phos. 3x: It gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries, and helps with a lack of blood corpuscles as in anemia.
Magnesium phos. 6x: Stress, Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Muscle spasms, migraine headaches. Pains coming on periodically, being very acute, darting, or shooting along the course of the nerve is relieved by Mag Phos.
Kali Sulphuricum 3x: Arthritis complaints better by cold, pains from Joints to Joints, migratory pains.
Natrum Sulphuricum 3x: a great remedy for aches and pains that feel worse in high humidity. Back pain, especially low back pains that extend downward.
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