Promotes Resistance to Physical Chemical and Biological Stressors.
Other Indications Lords Alfatone Ginseng Tonic
Maintains Overall Systemic Health and support of the Immune System.
Enhances Healthy Energy levels and Routine stamina in the mature years.
Restores Physical and Mental well being
Nervousness, anxiety, Neurasthenia, general debility, Insomnia( loss of sleep) Loss of appetite in pregnancy and lactation.
Action of the Composition used in Lords Alfatone Ginseng Tonic
Alfalfa Q: Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in “toning up” the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing mothers.
Avena Sativa Q: Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Best for debility, weakness after exhausting diseases. Useful in Sleeplessness.
Ginseng Q: Backache, sciatica, weakness, stiffness in back, headache.
China Q: Debility, weakness from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, Slow digestio, hungry without appetite. Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested.
Hydrastis Can Q: Weak muscular power, poor digestion, Easily tired Individuals, muscular pains in scalp and muscles of neck. Weak Digestion.
Kali Phos 3x: Helps to restore the nervous system after overwork, Cramps in thighs, calves and soles. Heaviness of upper limbs, lower limbs and feet. Complaints from overwork, slightest work seems heavy task, dullness, easily discouraged.
Ferrum aceticum 4x: Constant trembling of the whole body, Tiredness with drowsiness or emaciation (wasting of muscles)
Calcarea Phos 3x: It is mainly used to accelerate the growth of teeth and bones. Its absence or unavailability may result into problems related to normal growth. Protein deficiency growth problems and school children headaches.
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