It tones up heart muscles, improves coronary and peripheral circulation, relieves breathlessness, palpitation, tachycardia and halts the pace of thinning of arteries. Stimulant improves overall physiological functions of cardiovascular system.
Indication of Lords L 162 Stilmulant Drops
Palpitation, Breathlessness
Other Indications of Lords L 162 Stilmulant Drops
Dyspnoea, suffocation, tightness of chest area.
Action of Ingredients used in Lords L 162 Stilmulant Drops
Crataegus oxy. ø: Irregularity of heart, Chronic heart disease, with extreme weakness. Very feeble and irregular heart action. Extreme breathing difficulty on least exertion, pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent.
Laurocerasus 3x: Spasmodic tickling cough, especially in cardiac patients, Exercise causes pain around heart. Constriction of chest.
Oleander 3x: Palpitation with weakness and empty feeling in chest. Dyspnea. Constricted feeling in chest.
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