Weak memory is common these days, it can be due to lot of work, stress, and forgetfullness can be a reason. Memory problems can arise due to various causes and reasons.
Indication of Lords L 108 Brain Drops
Helps Improving memory
Other Indications of Lords L 108 Brain Drops
Weak retention capacity in children
Restores the confidence in children
Weakness of memory, in difference, lassitude, vertigo and exhaustion disturbances in cerebral function.
Action of Ingredients used in Lords L 108 Brain Drops
Anacardium Orientale : Loss or weak memory after small pox and chicken pox. The patient is depressed and irritable.
Lycopodium : Weakness of memory. Suitable for old people.
Kali phos :Mental breakdown after enormous mental exertion with nervousness and over-sensitivity.
Arsenic album: lacks courage. General sensibility increased. Sensitive to disorder and confusion.
Gelsemium: Dullness, languor, listless. Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news.
Belladonna: Loss of memory with hyperaesthesia of all senses.
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