Useful in Sciatica, Arthritis, Multiple Joint Pains, back pains
Indications of Wheezal Hymusa
Pain & Inflammation of Joints
Other Indications of Wheezal Hymusa
Pain and Inflammation of Joints
Provides relief in sciatica, lumbago
Neuralgia and Spondylitis
Useful in Myalgias.
Action of Individual Composition of Wheezal Hymusa
Arnica Montana Q: Traumatic remedy par excellence. Trauma in all its varieties – mental or physical and their effects recent or remote. Sore, lame, bruised feeling all over body as if beaten. Sore pain when touched. Ascending type of Joint pains.
Bryonia Alba Q: Multiple Joints affected causing inflammation and exudation. Stitching pains which are relieved by absolute rest and pressure, and by lying on painful side.
Rhus Toxicodendron Q: Muscular pains and all joint pains. Sciatica, left side. Great rigidity, stiffness, numbness and pain are experienced on first motion, after the rest.
Dulcamara Q: Conditions found as effects of damp weather, in hot days and cold nights towards the close of summer. Stiffness, numbness, aching, soreness of muscles on every exposure to cold, especially of back and loins.
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