for relieving piles, itching and redness, heals cracked skin
Wheezal Aloes Ointment
For painful hemorrhoids
Action of Aloe socotrina
Aloes Socotrine has marked action in hemorrhoids caused on account of leading sedentary life and portal congestion, indicated in bleeding piles which appear like a bunch of grapes which are bluish in color.
Constant bearing down pain in the rectum, with intense itching and burning in anus. Anus is very much tender, hot and sore with loose stool. The Pain is worse from heat and better by cold application.
Indication of Wheezal Aloes Ointment
Raw and itching in anal region
Sore mucous membranes
Burning of anus
Ointments or gel or creams are external applications used for external complaints. Gels and Ointments are easily penetrating and absorbed easily and gives good results.
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