Relieves pain in abdomen, Improves Appetite, Relieves loose motions
Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R7
Organic and functional complaints of liver and gallbladder, hepatopathy, cholecystophathy, calculi, disturbances of the biliary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, premature satiety, lack of appetite, bitter taste in mouth, flatulence, constipation, weariness after meals, irritation, hypochondria.
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R7
Carduus marianus: Painful swelling of the liver, jaundice, biliary calculi, cholangitis.
Chelidonium: Swelling of the liver with sensation of pressure on liver and biliary vesicle and extending to right shoulder blade, cholagogue.
Cholesterinum: Enlargement of the liver, jaundice and formation of stones in the gall bladder are relieved.
Colocynthis: Cramplike pains in abdomen, cannot stand pressure of clothes. At the time a pain occurs, improvement is obtained through strong pressure on abdomen and through bending over.
Lycopodium: Meteorism and flatulence, bitter taste in mouth, bad humour, constipation.
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